The GRG Experience truly is an experience that every child of God should and needs to experience, an experience that should go on to become our way of life. As children of God, we should be learning from Jesus examples, implementing God’s teachings and developing a stronger supernatural relationship with our heavenly Father while living in a natural world. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why God sent His son Jesus to earth? Why did He not use some other means to redeem us from sin? Being the creator of all things meant He could have chosen many ways to redeem us, but He chose to send His son to earth, to live in a sinful world, to walk, talk and work in that world before dying for that world. I believe He did this so we could learn from Jesus examples, not just how to live a victorious life, but how to live an intimate victorious life. To teach us about love, intimacy and relationship with a God of love.
Luke Chapter 5:15-16 reads ‘But the news about Jesus spread all the more, and great crowds came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed’.
Mark Chapter 1:35 reads ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed’.
Here we see two practices that Jesus followed, that many of God’s children do not practice. One for our daily walk, the other a longer periodic frequent practice. In the case of the first, many say they are too busy to come away for long periods of time to spend with God, yet Luke 5:15-16 shows us that Jesus was busy working, doing good, healing and helping people, however, He stopped what He was doing and purposely made the time to go away to be with His father. Stowing away to solitary places was something Jesus did on a regular basis, something I have committed to do every other month and because of the benefits of its intimate encounters with God, it is something I desire to do more of. I personally have found these times to be the power and foundation behind my Christian walk, my obedience, my steps of faith and the bedrock upon which my intimate relationship with God lays. Stuff happens in the secret place, that could not and would not happen anywhere else but there, and by neglecting this practice we neglect a very important part of our relationship with God – intimacy.
If this was a practice Jesus refused to neglect, a practice that caused Him to stop the good work He was doing in order to fulfil it, ask yourself the question “why am I not following His example?” No one in this world was or will ever be busier or have a more vigorous call, job or ministry than Jesus, yet He found time to come away, so once again, I ask you the question, what is your excuse?
Given the population of the world today, very few people follow Jesus example of frequently residing to a solitary place for long periods of time to spend with God, His Father, and those that do, share the same testimony of the precious jewels those times brings as well as the strength it adds to their daily walk with Christ. When was the last time you took time out to stop and go off somewhere so God could spend time with you?
In the second example, we see Jesus rising early in the mornings while it was still dark, some translations read, ‘before the day began’ – to go to a quiet place to spend time with His Father and pray. Again, this is something many Christian forsake for the warmth and comfort of their bed or a busy schedule centred around work. However, there is so much to be gained from the sacrifice of early morning rising. I have found implementing this enables me to literally start my day before the day begins. In the early hours of the morning, I get time to spend with God that is not met with the distractions of the day in general. I get insight on the day ahead, but most importantly, in the quiet stillness of the morning, God gets me all to Himself and vice versa.
I believe it was the same for Jesus, rather than try to cram time with His father into His already busy schedule, He carved out time to be with Him daily, before His schedule kicked in, knowing full well, not only would He not have the mindset and time to focus on God, He would be unable to function without it.
Both practices, both examples that Jesus set us were crucial to maintaining an intimate relationship, emphasis on the intimate, with God while He walked on earth. In order to hear, see and know what His Father had in His heart, He had to spend quality time with Him. Outside of that there was relationship, His time with God did not just focus on Him bringing a long prayer list to the table, His time with God centred heavily on personal, one on one, intimate encounters of love, rest, admiration, neutering, being still, listening, acknowledging, embracing, receiving, a deeper knowing and understanding of the characterises of God and His deep compassionate love for Him. It was such encounters that enabled Him to trust His father and at the pinnacle of His purpose, when all had forsaken Him and He was alone, it was such encounters that empowered Him to say, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” It was such encounters that pulled Him away from the busyness of life to gravitate to time with His Father in quiet places. It was such encounters that consumed His thirst and hunger for more time with Him. It was such encounters that gave Him strength and hope, and it was such encounters that made living a supernatural life, in a natural world possible.
When we neglect following Jesus example, not only are we neglecting all the above and more, we are saying we can manage without it, we are saying we can manage, where Jesus could not, we are being blinded by the enemy and robbed of a crucial part of our relationship with God.
Every relationship requires intimacy and for many of us, this is the missing link. God is a God of love, and without intimacy love is incomplete. There was a time when I was oblivious to this, when I went about my Christian walk, attending church on Sundays, mid-week prayer meetings and conferences. When my time alone with God was spent with me doing all the talking, always asking, always wanting everything but time alone with Him, for Him to minister to me as He wanted to. The scripture ‘Be still and know that I am God’ was something I tried to do, that involved everything aside from actually being still. I was impatient, I wanted answers and I wanted them now! Being still was something I did for all if 5 minutes, then it was back to, “God, where are you? Why won’t you answer me?” I was saved but still lonely and lost, the works I did for him could not fill the void inside, because the only thing that could fill that was intimacy with Him. Like many children of God today, there was a time when believing in God, reading the Word, praying and attending church was the extent of our intimate relationship, but those are all communal things. Many Christians are afraid to be alone with God because they do not know what to do or expect. All the while God longs to be alone with us because our strength lies in our intimacy with Him.
What makes GRG so special is that the Intimate Seclusion allow individuals the perfect opportunity and backdrop to get away and spend much needed quiet, alone time be with their Father. They create an inner thirst for intimacy with no restraints on one’s time. Everything we do in our daily lives is affected by time and often the thing that suffers the most is our time alone with God. Even those of us who purposely carve out time to spend with Him, reaping the wondrous benefits, find our time to be affected by time, inasmuch as we often have to leave our secret place to attend to everyday duties when all we want today is remain in His presence.
GRG, Intimate Seclusion Retreats, are not events packed with numerous speakers and sessions to attend, neither are they casual breaks to recharge one’s batteries. GRG Intimate Seclusion Retreats are designed specifically for individuals to come away to a quiet place, to stop, slow down, rest, eat, pray, read, be still and encounter God on His terms with no interruptions. It is about God meeting you, not you meeting God. You could call it a Spiritual Spa! Other than breakfast lunch and dinner, God sets the agenda. We start the day by meeting for early morning quiet prayer and praise at
Other than breakfast lunch and dinner, God sets the agenda. We start the day by meeting for early morning quiet prayer and praise at 5am to a backdrop of instrumental prophetic soaking music Each day there are a few hours of teaching, all of which is subject to change as the Spirits leads. Attendees are encouraged to make use of their time and surroundings by leaving all forms of social media behind and limit personal phone calls. We ask that unless you have young children at home or in the case of an emergency you refrain from using your phone. This is God’s time, it is Him saying “finally I have you all to myself, let’s go away and rest awhile. Take my hand and allow Me to lead you, to lay you down beside still waters, to restore your soul. To be intimate and do all the things I long to do with you but cannot because of time. The GRG Experience is designed to create an inner thirst for intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A thirst that will leave you constantly craving more. A thirst that will ensure you seeking God with your whole heart, and as He promised finding Him waiting with open arms to pour out His spirit to your individual needs. It will also bring major change to your everyday Christian walk by way of a new lifestyle centred on intimacy with God.
I cannot express the benefits of this experience enough.
My first GRG experience transformed my life so much I wrote a book about it. I was left speechless at the lengths God went to make it special and intimate, at one point I felt as though I were on a spiritual honeymoon. Not only was His loving presence so thick and apparent, everything from the venue to the location and food was of exquisite taste. Let me tell you, male or female you’ve not been romanced until you’ve been romanced by God! And if that were not enough…Life after the getaway has been heavily impacted with intimacy and the frequent residing to solitary places so God can be alone with me.
The retreats are open to married couples and unmarried male and females and I love the way Father is drawing the men to theses retreats, their testimonies are so encouraging.
Other than short DVD’s and Christian based film there is no TV, and we ask that you refrain from the use of social media and limit any calls to a minimum.
Saturday, September 30th to Saturday, October 7th, 2017
Accommodation, Travel, Prices and Payment
The prices quoted are all inclusive, 7 nights accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by your personal chef and luxury coach travel to and from Capel Dinorwig. Capel Dinorwig is a stunning converted chapel in North Wales nestled within the Snowdonia National Park. This stunning accommodation is surrounded by mountains, beautiful countryside and the foothills of Elidir Fawr for you to make use of on private walks with breath-taking views. The interior provides the perfect setting for peace, quiet and tranquillity, while the views will hold you spellbound. It even houses its own private sauna!
Super king-size double room with en-suite £570 for the room. *If a married couple share this room, please note an additional £120 needs to be added to cover food and transportation.
Double room with an en-suite, £540. *If a married couple share this room, please note an additional £120 needs to be added to cover food and transpiration.
Twin room with en-suite, £420 per person
2 Twin rooms sharing a bathroom £390 per person
We do offer a payment plan. A 50% deposit made payable by June 30th, 2017 will secure your place and balance can be paid in instalments no later than August 31st, 2017. For details on how to make payment and secure your place, email or call Jemma on 07956455485
To view the property, click on the link
As your host, I look forward to the pleasure of your company on this amazing retreat and know without a doubt you will not only be blessed but totally transformed to a new way of life, and become somewhat addicted to frequently residing to the solitary place, which is precisely as God intended it to be.